Growing Pains: Establish Effective Pain Management Protocols and Proper Opioid Prescription Policies

Adam Burr, DDS

October 2019 Course
Expires: Monday, October 31st, 2022

Web Only


In response to the opioid crisis facing America, this webinar is designed to help dental practitioners discover tools and resources available to promote alternative pain management techniques and develop a simple protocol to maximize safety when prescribing opioids. The discussion will also cover real-world solutions for promoting responsible pain management with patients.

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COST: $0
PROVIDER: Dental Learning Systems, LLC
SOURCE: CDEWorld | October 2019
COMMERCIAL SUPPORTER: PDS University - Institute of Dentistry

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss the current opioid epidemic and how the dentist plays a role
  • Analyze alternative pain management techniques and the steps to creating a prescription protocol that maximizes safety
  • Describe tactical real-world solutions for promoting responsible pain management techniques.

Author Qualifications:

Private Practices Salt Lake City, Utah


Dr. Burr maintains a Pacific Dental Services-supported group practice.

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